Friday, December 10, 2010

Couch to 5k + Other Stuff

So, I've decided as I enter into 2011 that I want to get fit, and look good once its done. And, I've chosen the c25k(couch to 5k) plan, recently to be my cardio basic. As I'm not so sure about going out and trying it out on the road or on a nice path yet I've been using my treadmill, with a Heart Rate Monitor to help control myself.
For this I enlist the help of a great little app called "Get Running" (Link at the bottom)

I've already completed my first 2 runs, opinion?

1st run, was a little strange, heart rate was a bit touch and go, had to change settings for treadmill half way through.
First half consisted of Speed set to 6(Brisk Walking) and 9(Run/Jogging)
Half way through I decided to lower it to 5(Still fairly fast walk) and 7.5(Nice jog speed)
This worked fairly well and by the end of it all I had reached approx 3km.
Ttime: 29mins
Cals: 235
Incline: 2

2nd run, was late at night (around 1030-11pm) god it was still bloody hot haha, sweatin like a pig half way through so got rid of my shirt and kept goin, this time though heart rate stayed below 190(about 185max) so did well was able to keep my speeds at the first half settings of the first go.
Speed: 6 and 9
Ttime: 30mins
Cals: 250-260
Incline: 2

On top of this torture of a run ;) Jk its actually quite nice being able to do it, I also lift weights and do pushups and situps, for all of this I use my iPod touch.

My routine consists of:
Protein shake(1hr to 30mins before working out)
Weights(I do 7kg but gunna do 10kg tomorrow when I do my next routine)
Situp Routine
(So about an hours worth of working out or there abouts)
Then at end within 30mins of finishing
Protein shake consisting of, 1 Banana, 1 small pack of frozen blue berries, 250mls milk, Protein Powder(Chocolate) and 5 Ice cubes(to make it slightly slushy and keep it nice and cold and god does it taste nice :D)

My App List:
Get Running (Great c25k app - cheap too)
100 Pushups(Hard :( But good to know I'm pushing myself to get better at it and reach that 100pushups by week 9)
Ab Workout(5 minute intense ab routine, quite hard, getting better and seeing some results too after 2 weeks)

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